Sateen Fabric – The Cotton Based Member Of The Satin Family

Sateen fabric is generally associated with sheets. Sateen is the process used on cotton or sometimes rayon fibers in order to make sateen fabric. Sateen is synonymous with a dull sheen, distinguishing it from the high sheen of satin, and as a result of the sateen weaving process and the use of acid and lye through the process of mercerization a trademark soft dull shiny fabric is produced.

Sateen is a member of the satin family, and is woven using the satin weave, with the weaving of four threads over and one thread under.

Sateens follow the characteristics and sewing techniques of its parent satin family.

Purple Sateen Fabric Pink and White Stripe Sateen Fabric White Sateen Fabric

Fabric Characteristics:

• Breathability

• Decreased durability

• Washable

• Has a dull shiny appearance

• Softer than satin

• Subject to seam slippage

Working With These Fabrics Requires:

• Sewing machine needles recommended are sizes 60/8-80/12 sharps and universals choosing the appropriate size for the sateen fabric weight

• Hand sewing needles should be sizes 8-10

• Sewing machine settings recommended are a stitch length of 2-2.5 mm

• Sewing machine feet recommended are the wide straight-stitch foot and the roller foot

• Thread should be all-purpose cotton, polyester, cotton/polyester blend; for serging woolly nylon is recommended; for hand sewing silk, and basting cotton are recommended

• Tools and equipment recommended are sharp scissors, sharp shears, pins, fabric weights, and stabilizers

• Layout should be with nap, double-layer, right sides together

• Marking tools recommended are all types except wax and temporary marking pens

• Seams recommended are plain, double-ply, self-finished, tissue-stitched and appliqué

• Hems recommended are plain, hand double-stitched, hand blindstitched, blind catchstitched, catchstitched, faced, lace, narrow hems and interfaced

• Seam and hem finishes recommended are pinked, pinked and stitched, zigzag, multi-stitch zigzag and serged

• Edge finishes recommended are self-fabric facings, bias facings, lining fabric facings, bias bindings, and lace

• Interfacings recommended are sew-ins

• Closures recommended buttons and buttonholes, buttons and loops, thread loops, snaps, light weight zippers, invisible zippers, and covered snaps

These Fabrics Are Suitable For:

Sateen is recommended for bed linens such as sheets, lingerie, blouses, dresses and jackets

For information about the notions, tools, and equipment required to complete a sewing project, click here to view the sewing notions home page

For more information about this family of fabrics some great references are:

Claire Shaeffer’s Fabric Sewing Guide

For more interesting information about sateen fabric click here on

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